Tourism marketing as a tool for the valorization of the territory: the case of the ordo christi project
The Ordo Christi Project aims to study, communicate and promote the artistic heritage of the Order of Christ between the Zêzere and the Tagus (15th and 16th centuries). The importance of this Military Order in the region is highlighted by the various historical and artistic manifestations that were felt by the multiple Comendas, a revealing factor of its importance in the territory, especially between the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Modern era. n this way, the project seeks to be a tool of memory and identity of the region that, through various communication elements, both analog and digital, as well as the creation of patrimonial routes, effectively contribute to the awareness of society, territorial cohesion and the dynamization of the region through its history and its artistic heritage. The process of creation of roadmaps is an important instrument in the service of the valorization of the territories, allied to the Marketing, having as mission as instrument of development of territorial base in the relation Tourism-Culture, contributing to the attractiveness, namely in the level of the tourism and elaboration of educational content so that scientific knowledge is clearer and accessible to all.
The article presented here intends to describe the routing and the marketing strategy that was defined for the management of the Ordo Christi routes in the territory between Zêzere and Tejo, in the Central Region of Portugal.
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