Cultural creative industries: tourism developing the regional economy powering arraigo and autocton culture

  • Elisa Kekutt Tea Consultora - Argentina
Keywords: Tourism, Heritage, Industries, Culture, Economy, Creativity


The future by definition is uncertain, but where do we want to see each other in a few years? Currently, the tourism sector is booming and is considered one of the most important socioeconomic sectors, allowing some communities to develop thanks to its exploitation. It is a recognized fact that tourism activity is and has been vital for the development of domestic, local, regional and world economies. It is also worth clarifying that the development of the sector has negative consequences for the environment, such as the consumption of high levels of resources and the production of waste. That is why the domestic economy becomes especially important when proposing production models with zero emissions / waste through the creation of circular and inclusive processes. Why do we call tourism cultural creative industry? Because it is the business fabric integrated by those industries whose activity is destined to the tourist demand, reason why integrating local entrepreneurs, religious referents, educational institutions, inhabitants of the commune, actors of the culture in general (musicians, artists, potters, among others) generates this framework that facilitates the development process for the socio-productive sector It is therefore an economic attitude that allows us to maintain growth, a level of well-being and equal opportunities between generations. The goal for the future should be to maintain, over time, the ability to meet the public and private needs of the community and maintain a level of well-being. For this we cannot continue growing on the backs of future generations.


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How to Cite
Kekutt, E. (2019, December 24). Cultural creative industries: tourism developing the regional economy powering arraigo and autocton culture. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 3(1), 33-43. Retrieved from