Self-guided historical gymkhanas: an opportunity for rural tourism

  • Miguel López Gordo Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
  • César Llorente Parrado HU. Vall d’Hebron. Barcelona
Keywords: historical gymkhana, gamification, logic, self-guided, rural tourism, QR code, mobile communication


Historic orienteering games offer a type of tourist tour that is not only entertaining (based on a series of tasks that test the participants’ wit and reasoning skills) but, also educational, with information on the history and culture of the place. Unfortunately, the development of such initiatives is often barred by the financial constraints that often occur in projects based on rural areas.


Taking advantage of technology, we propose a new historic orienteering game called “Detectives across time: The mystery behind the Quixote de Avellaneda’s authorship.” This game takes place in the town of Villel de Mesa (Guadalajara). The participants will be asked to unlock information hidden in multiple locations across town with the use of QR codes at request of the writer Cervantes. All historic events take place at the start of the 17th century. Through the use of their smartphones, tourists will have access to web content or augmented reality animations that reveal clues or quests needed to solve the mystery. Players have the support of a game matrix that, as clues are generated, will help them discard or select relationships between different clues (places of interest, historical events, revelations, etc.). Ultimately, the game will test the players’ ability to uncover the true identity of the author of that Quixote.


This experience offers both visitors and tourist destinations the opportunity to access more diverse and flexible activities that can meet the needs of tourist groups or families with children while keeping this industry sustainable thanks to its self-guided component.



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How to Cite
López Gordo, M., & Llorente Parrado, C. (2020, February 29). Self-guided historical gymkhanas: an opportunity for rural tourism. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 3(1), 246-258. Retrieved from