Sustainable tourism and water: a necessary equation

  • Cristina Valera Trinidad Universidad de Almería
  • Isabel María Román Sánchez Universidad de Almería
Keywords: tourism, sustainability, water


Sustainable tourism is an increasingly consolidated type of tourism, not only because it is an activity that contributes to the creation of jobs and income for the local population, but also because it follows values that respect the environment and culture, trying to guarantee the least possible negative impact. Large world organizations such as the United Nations (UN) or the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) among others, are aware of the importance of implementing this type of tourism at a global level as a way to improve the development of the sector. The key challenge of sustainable tourism is managing the use of our planet’s limited resources, being water the most important one for life development and human activities. This project focuses on research about water consumption in Spain, specially in those regions that receive the most tourists and, at the same time, suffer the greatest water shortages: Andalusia, the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands. Is the tourism sector in Spain aware of sustainable water consumption?


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How to Cite
Valera Trinidad, C., & Román Sánchez, I. M. (2020, July 1). Sustainable tourism and water: a necessary equation. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 3(3), 167-187. Retrieved from