INTERPRETATIC: a project to connect scientific knowledge and visitors in the Archaeological Park of Segóbriga (Saelices, Cuenca)

  • Raul Carral Fernández Tragsatec
  • Rosario Cebrián Fernández Universidad Complutense
  • Román Esteban Díez Tragsatec
Keywords: interpretation, new technologies, tourism, archaeological site, virtual reconstruction


Excavations carried out in the archaeological site of Segobriga have generated a significant volume of archaeological finds, disclosed in different scientific publications. Thanks to those finds, today we know that the city has its origins in an indigenous oppidum, which became a municipality in the August era and, later, an episcopal see in the sixth and seventh centuries. The creation and public opening of the Archaeological Park of Segobriga in 2002 allowed to provide the site with the necessary infrastructure and exhibition facilities to enable visitors to achieve their own interpretation of the archaeological site in its own historical and natural environment. The INTERPRETATIC project, to be executed in 2018-2021, aims to implement ICTs to the current interpretation of heritage and nature in Segobriga, and to develop a new tool that serves as a social, touristic and heritage resource of the Archaeological Park. The update of new virtual, recreational and gamification resources will enable different types of users to access archaeological knowledge. The project involves a multidisciplinary team, which has extensive previous experience in archaeological heritage, creation of interpretive content and educational dissemination, as well as research and development projects.

INTERPRETATIC's experience is in turn serving as a cornerstone for another European project financed by means the Horizon2020 innovation funds: the POLIRURAL project, in which TRAGSA and TRAGSATEC participate and of which the following countries are also partners: Czech Republic, Slovakia, Latvia, Greece, Portugal, Israel, United Kingdom, Italy, Norway, Belgium, Northern Macedonia, Austria , Finland, Poland and Ireland.

Author Biographies

Raul Carral Fernández, Tragsatec

Direction of Management

Rosario Cebrián Fernández, Universidad Complutense

Faculty of Geography and History

Román Esteban Díez, Tragsatec

Direction of Management


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How to Cite
Carral Fernández, R., Cebrián Fernández, R., & Esteban Díez, R. (2020, July 1). INTERPRETATIC: a project to connect scientific knowledge and visitors in the Archaeological Park of Segóbriga (Saelices, Cuenca). Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 3(3), 251-277. Retrieved from