Recycle Heritage: rural tourism in the abandoned Villages of the "Sierra de Huelva" (Andalucía,Spain)

Keywords: Abandoned_Villages, Mining_Towns, Ecovillages


The Aracena mountain range and the Aroche mountain peaks in Huelva, form a natural park characterized by a dense vegetable mass that arose thanks to special climatic conditions, where its natural heritage coexists with the built heritage inherited from ancient times where life and survival systems were more related to rural than urban. The lack of an archived documentary source of the villages generated by the different economic activities in this area of the Huelva territory, as well as references about their subsequent abandonment and destruction, has been an important study challenge: decipher the characteristics of each of these settlements, some of which have been illegally occupied without habitable conditions and choose a regulated system of reconstruction and reuse of these nuclei as rural tourist accommodation is our final interest.

The study method has been the direct recognition of the territory through the geolocation of the settlements and basic infrastructures that they have in order to determine the real possibility of the urban and forest spaces that surround them. Once the villages to be mapped and visited on site have been chosen, the following have been carried out: access routes with an express indication of the roadways and pedestrian paths to be used to reach the villages, unit files containing data such as the exact location, forest environment in which they are located, current real population and characteristics of the villages, including orthophotos and photographs taken on site, and finally elaboration of the actual planimetry of the current remains of the villages.


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How to Cite
Martínez Roldán, N., & Goytia Goyenechea, L. (2021, January 1). Recycle Heritage: rural tourism in the abandoned Villages of the "Sierra de Huelva" (Andalucía,Spain). Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 4(1), 157-180. Retrieved from