Digital marketing management applied to the tourism sector: vueling airlines case study

  • Javier Casanoves-Boix Universidad internacional de Valencia
  • Mónica Pérez-Sanchez Universidad de Guanajuato
Keywords: tourism, economy digital, digital marketin, air operators, Spain


This research was carried out to examine the role of university digital marketing in the tourism sector. To this end, the main contributions in the literature related to the study of digital marketing and its application in the tourism sector were analysed, identifying which variables determine digital marketing management in the airline industry. Once a suitable model was established, a qualitative study was realised using digital content analysis for a Spanish air operator, Vueling Airlines. The results obtained demonstrate the applicability of digital marketing strategies to a tourism business model based on the Internet, considering the determinant variables: (1) search engine marketing, (2) email marketing, (3) Word of Mouth Marketing, (4) ) affiliate marketing, (5) blog marketing, and (6) social media marketing. It is considered that the present study can help managers to face the specific challenges of digital marketing management in the airline industry.


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How to Cite
Casanoves-Boix, J., & Pérez-Sanchez, M. (2021, April 1). Digital marketing management applied to the tourism sector: vueling airlines case study. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 4(2), 9-30. Retrieved from