• Cecilia García Muñoz Aparicio Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
  • María del Carmen Navarrete Torres
Keywords: Covid 19, tourism organizations, pandemic


In this era with the covid-19 virus, tourism organizations face the unknown, how to ensure that tourist destinations are safe during this pandemic? it asks that all tourist organizations, non-tourism organizations, companies, etc.. The intention of this research is to demonstrate through a descriptive explanatory methodology that, although the world is still in a pandemic, it is possible to carry out tourism with very precise hygiene standards, taking care of the healthy distance and respecting the safety of the environment , as long as the guidelines established by public health and government institutions are met. As possible results there are some examples of organizations and its experiencies, that, although they are not at 100% of their capacity, there is tourism development.


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How to Cite
García Muñoz Aparicio, C., & Navarrete Torres, M. del C. (2021, October 1). TOURISM ORGANIZATIONS IN THE FACE OF COVID-19. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 4(4), 46-55. Retrieved from