• Rogelio Martinez Cárdenas Universidad de Guadalajara/Centro Universitario de los Altos
Keywords: cultural tourism, intangible heritage, religious heritage, Spiritual heritage, religious tourism


Travel associated with religion and spirituality has been a travel motivator since ancient times. Later, in the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries, a period known as the Grand Tour, the material heritage generated trips to various European sites possessing a rich cultural heritage with an educational nature for young people from the upper economic class. In recent years, the desire for experiences on the part of tourists has caused intangible heritage to become a tourist attraction.

Aspects associated with the spiritual or religious are important elements for a large number of cultural manifestations around the world. UNESCO today considers many of them intangible heritage with the intention of keeping them alive. That is why, in this work, through the use of graph theory, an analysis is carried out of the different criteria that have been used by UNESCO to grant its recognition to living cultural manifestations and thus determine the relevance that spiritual and religious aspects have had as an element of heritage value.


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How to Cite
Martinez Cárdenas, R. (2022, January 1). RELEVANCE OF RELIGIOUS AND SPIRITUAL ASPECTS AS COMPONENTS OF INTANGIBLE HERITAGE. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 5(1), 136-152. Retrieved from