• Rocio Esquivel Rios Universidad Tecnológica de San Miguel de Allende
  • María Martha Villaseñor Ramírez Universidad Tecnológica de San Miguel de Allende
Keywords: Magic town, turistic development, tourism


e Pueblos Magicos program in Mexico has been a development engine for 132 communities that are considered with singularities and magical characteristics that place them with this distinction. In the state of Guanajuato there are 6 of these characteristic towns of Mexico. Mineral de Pozos, located in the municipality of San Luis de la Paz since 2012, managed to consolidate itself as an enigmatic tourist destination for having been a town dedicated to mining, having a boom time for the 19th and early 20th centuries, in 1920 was abandoned, turning into a ghost town and finally becoming one of the tourist destinations in the state of Guanajuato.

The main objective of this work is to know the perception of tourism service providers regarding opportunities for growth, community development and planning of tourism activity with a vision for the future.


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How to Cite
Esquivel Rios, R., & Villaseñor Ramírez, M. M. (2022, January 1). MINERAL DE POZOS AND TOURISM DEVELOPMENT, STUDY OF THE PERCEPTION OF TOURIST SERVICE PROVIDERS. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 5(1), 217-232. Retrieved from http://www.jthr.es/index.php/journal/article/view/342