The aim of this paper is to analyze the methodology carried out for the design of several tourist routes in the framework of the R&D Project America in Madrid. Interconnected heritages and tourist impact in the Community of Madrid. These routes will be subsequently implemented in several pilot experiences. Consequently, these routes can become a fundamental tool as a tourist attraction with the intention of contribute to the knowledge and dissemination of the Latin American legacy in the Madrid region. The interdisciplinary nature of the different working groups and collaborating entities, which participate in this project, give them a marked scientific and professional rigor. In order to achieve the main objective, a series of interviews have been carried out with different groups to analyze the tastes, preferences and interests when visiting the destination under study. This work is an analysis prior to a subsequent questionnaire conducted to the main segments of tourists, thus allowing us to adapt future and present routes with the intention of offering tourism adjusted to the demand and increasingly accessible and inclusive.
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