The National Plan for Sustainable Tourism Destination published in July 2021 is committed to developing ‘Xacobeo 2021’ as a priority.
Following this premise, the ‘Way of the Holy Grail’ is presented in the same historical terms in which the ‘Camino de Santiago’ began to be developed in the 1960s.
The post-pandemic scenario has precipitated a series of actions that have been carried out by ‘The Way of the Holy Grail Cultural Association’ with the intention of publicizing the Integral Sustainable Strategic Plan of the Way of the Holy Grail.
This 2021 September 20th, the deadline closed for the extraordinary call for Sustainable Tourism Plans in Destinations for local entities. With the municipality, thirteen projects have been presented and we want to explain the work methodology in this specific paper.
After the introduction to the PLAN ESPAÑA PUEDE and following the Administrative Framework, a brief study of the General State Budgets and Expressions of Interest (MDI) is carried out because these explain the European priorities regarding Next Generation aid in tourism.
Then, a statement of reasons is made to the Integral Sustainable Strategic Plan of the Way of the Holy Grail in the Valencian Community and the alignment of this community, with the ten state driven policies, is presented. The same analysis is carried out, in Aragon through the point of alignment, with the Aragon measurements and its frequency in its plans.
Finally, the summary table of the plan to be developed with the conclusions that support its execution is also presented. Also, the success stories where state aid has been approved are listed as well.
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