• Eduardo Villena-Alarcón Universidad de Málaga
Keywords: Public relations, social networks, hotels, fashion, tourism


The opening of international fashion-branded hotels is an added tourist attraction for the area where they emerge. Not only social networks play a key role in the promotion and diffusion of these new spaces but also the influence of these platforms defines the communication strategies. Despite their importance, a gap has been detected in the literature regarding the management and planning of social networks by fashion-branded hotels and their influence on the consumer. The research analyses how these tools are implemented within the communication strategy of fashion-branded hotels. The present paper proposes the case study of Bulgari Hotels & Resorts hotels through a content analysis of the main social networks and a systematic literature review. The results reveal that Bulgari achieves a higher engagement rate per post per day on Facebook than on Instagram, although the number of interactions is higher on Instagram.


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How to Cite
Villena-Alarcón, E. (2022, April 11). SOCIAL NETWORKS AS A COMMUNICATION TOOL IN FASHION- BRANDED HOTELS: BULGARI HOTELS & RESORTS AS A CASE STUDY. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 5(2), 95-105. Retrieved from