• Katya Meredith García Quevedo Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro


The valuation of heritage in the urban imaginary is conditioned by the socio-economic, production and consumption contexts of each historical stage. Currently, the incorporation of digital technologies and the internet has generated a change in the economy and society. Through the perception and generation of a mental image of reality (in situ) or from the digital (mobile devices), an imaginary is built, which can govern behaviors and the use of space. The graphic image of heritage can be used for many purposes, mostly promotion, which can often generate thoughts and/or behaviors different from the initial intentions or a specific benefit, or depending on the perspective from which it is observed, it can increase the feelings of rootedness and affect their reading and their evaluation. Under this reference, the need arises to understand the representation of heritage in digital tourism disclosure. Therefore, this communication presents the state of the art on this phenomenon and a methodological approach to weigh the imaginaries that, together with other processes of the territories, can affect the concepts of the managers or inhabitants in the mode to intervene or live the cultural heritage.


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How to Cite
García Quevedo, K. (2022, April 28). IMAGINARIES AND DIGITAL REPRESENTATIONS OF THE TOURIST HERITAGE. METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH TO THE CASE OF QUERÉTARO, MÉXICO. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 5(2), 336-357. Retrieved from