• investur investur
  • Cláudia Pires da Silva TECHN&ART, Polytechnic Institute of Tomar
  • Marta Dionísio TECHN&ART, Polytechnic Institute of Tomar
  • Célio Gonçalo Marques TECHN&ART, Polytechnic Institute of Tomar
  • Paula Almeida TECHN&ART, Polytechnic Institute of Tomar


Since the beginning of the 21st century, tourism has gained the status of one of the largest economic activities in the world being also an important factor for the sustainable development. However, due to the current pandemic phase, this situation has suffered a setback, changing the behaviour and habits of the population in general. More than ever, sustainability assumes a central role in tourism development, and it is essential to combine the economic and cultural aspects and consequently combine them with environmental and social sustainability.

This article therefore proposes a reflection on the economic impact on tourism resulting from the current pandemic and the consequent environmental and social impact, as well as the analysis of the measures adopted or to be adopted in the near future, some linked to information and communication technologies, in order to minimize the damage felt in the sector.

The considerations presented in this article do not intend to close this theme, but rather to open space for new reflections and dynamics that can contribute to sustainability in its different aspects of tourism


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How to Cite
investur, investur, da Silva, C., Dionísio, M., Marques, C. G., & Almeida, P. (2022, May 3). THE CHALLENGES OF TOURISM WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF SUSTAINABILITY FACING THE PANDEMIC. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 5(2), 358-370. Retrieved from