• investur investur
  • Paula Almeida TECHN&ART, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar
  • Célio Gonçalo Marques TECHN&ART, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar
  • Cláudia Pires Silva TECHN&ART, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar
  • Marta Dionísio TECHN&ART, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar


This study seeks to analyses the economic impact produced in the first trimester, by the support mechanism established by the legal tool Normative Decree nº 24/2021, created in order to implement the Reactivate Tourism Program/Bild the Future, presented in May 2021.

The Resolution of the Ministers Council nº76/2021, 20th of May, that creates the referred   program established a pack of actions and measures to answer the demands of tourism sector, after this severe economic and social impact due to COVID 19 pandemic.

Being aware of the needs to support tourism companies, the mechanism intends to create financing instruments that, at the same time, will launch the retake of tourism activities and contribute to the goal of requalification, by betting on the companies digitization.

The digital transition diagnosis as a sustainability factor in this economic sector, showed us that there has been a big progress in Portugal`s place in the worldwide ranking regarding sustainable tourism, and this support mechanism is willing to reinforce this position with some incentives to invest in digital contents and renew some practices in companies.

Along this study we intend to analyze the immediate impact of these measures, by conducting some surveys to tourism micro, small and medium companies that fulfill the eligibility criteria to apply to projects that will be able to achieve digitalization goals.


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How to Cite
investur, investur, Almeida, P., Marques, C. G., Silva, C. P., & Dionísio, M. (2022, July 4). THE ACTIVATION OF “ADAPTING TOURISM” MECHANISM, IN PORTUGAL, AS A WAY TO RELAUNCH THIS ECONOMIC SECTOR. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 5(3), 107-119. Retrieved from