The objective of this research is to assess Cherry Liqueur as a traditional drink in the district of Huaura - Lima. For this, an investigation with an exploratory design was carried out, taking as a sample adults over 20 years of age in the district of Huaura. The survey was used as a data collection instrument. Starting from three specific objectives: historical value, production, and consumption. The results were obtained that the inhabitants give more value to the artisan elaboration because they maintain the tradition, also that there is a high local consumption, and that little by little it has been modernized. Likewise, the inhabitants feel represented by the Licor de Guinda since they give great value to the origin, history, and tradition, considering it as a regional drink with a national identity. Therefore, valuing the Cherry Liqueur as a traditional drink has shown through this research that, although it has changed over time, the investigation of our Peruvian gastronomy must be reflected in documents that serve as a theoretical basis to continue increasing concepts and knowledge to achieve a local cuisine based on the heritage and cultural values of a country.
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