• investur investur
  • Isilda Leitão CiTUR – ESHTE, e IELT, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Keywords: Medical Spa, healing springs, tourist, literary, cultural itineraries, Luso, Bussaco


Mainland Portugal has a lot of healing springs. Located in the Centre of the country, the town of Luso has since 2010 a Medical Spa, open all the year, supported by three complementary valances: Thermal Therapeutic, Thermal Spa and a Medical Centre. Since the middle of the 19th century its main objective focused on the benefits of water therapy, well-being and relaxation. Nowadays Luso water is known not only in Portugal but also internationally.

The Baths (also named Caldas) were protected by our aristocracy till the 1st Republic, in 1910, and searched by bourgeoisie and intellectuals since the 19th century. Some of them are painters and writers, who dedicated some of their works to the Sacred Mountain of Bussaco, that borders the thermal town, with its Palace and its Desert, the last one built between 1620 and 1690, by the Order of the Portuguese Barefoot Carmelites.

The aim of this exploratory study is to survey the possibility to apply literary and cultural contents to create tourist itineraries, in the middle of the nature and the culture, as a way of leisure, not only to those who make Thermal Therapeutic or Spa, but also for all who visit this place. We think this kind of product/ itinerary presents an opportunity for tourism development in this region, above all after the heaviest period of the pandemic COVID-19.

After the introduction, where we will make some considerations about the importance of Literature in the development on the cultural tourism experience, we will provide some information about Portuguese healing waters and thermal resorts, especially this one of Luso. Then, we will present the Forest of Bussaco and the texts and writers who can be associated to this possible new experience. We will finish with some reflexions about this matter. The methodology adopted is qualitative, based on the fields of Literature, History, Heritage, Arts and itinerary design.


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How to Cite
investur, investur, & Leitão, I. (2022, July 19). BETWEEN THE TOWN OF LUSO AND THE FOREST OF BUSSACO (PORTUGAL): LITERARY AND CULTURAL TOURISTIC ITINERARIES. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 5(3), 212-256. Retrieved from