• investur investur +34 679218154
  • Mª Isabel Serrano-Macías Universidad Pablo de Olavide
  • Alexander Aguirre Montero Universidad de Cádiz
  • Lola Hernández-Sales Universidad de Cádiz


This work is a description of a tourist route, accessible and inclusive, through the heritage of British influence in the province of Cadiz developed from the late eighteenth century to the early twentieth century, developing in different municipalities of the Bay of Cadiz, Marco de Jerez or Campo de Gibraltar. The main objective of this route is to offer the visitor a vision of what the province of Cadiz was like during this period, where the British influence was very present in architecture, engineering and industry, and to do so in an accessible and inclusive way. The methodology used is based on an exhaustive investigation of the historical-artistic heritage of Cadiz and the analysis of this heritage, studying its accessible and inclusive nature, in order to create a route suitable for any visitor profile, taking into account the needs of people with reduced mobility, blind or visually impaired people, and deaf or hearing-impaired people. The result is a route through different municipalities in the province, visiting heritage elements of various types such as mansions and cemeteries. The development of the route will be based on tourist itineraries with different degrees of accessibility depending on the limitations of the tourist resources to be visited, and will also include a series of complementary resources such as hotels and restaurants. This complementary offer will be classified according to their levels of accessibility, based on the ISO 21902 tourism accessibility standard.


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How to Cite
investur, investur, Serrano-Macías, M. I., Aguirre Montero, A., & Hernández-Sales, L. (2023, March 30). ROUTE "VICTORIAN CADIZ": THE HERITAGE OF BRITISH INFLUENCE AS AN ACCESSIBLE TOURIST PRODUCT IN THE PROVINCE OF CADIZ. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 6(2), 44-62. Retrieved from