The cultural heritage of Peñarroya-Pueblonuevo is linked to its former industry, having been a town that emerged at the beginning of the last century after the establishment of an extensive mining-industrial area mainly destined to lead smelting. Today it is known as old Cerco Industrial. After the premises closed, the inhabitants continued to work in the mines until their definitive closure, leaving behind a patrimonial legacy of immense architectural value in an area facing severe depopulation. Since then, the buildings that are still standing have deteriorated and have recently been declared Cultural Interest Assets. As a result, they require rapid consolidation action to prevent their complete disappearance.
Though the place's importance has now been recognised by the community; unfortunately, this recognition is considered to have come too late. Given the size of the land, its condition, and the complexity of the intervention required, recovering it is practically unfeasible. For this reason, research has been carried out to document the site before it is lost completely and, through the use of new technologies, a virtual tour is being created in its current state as well as its former state, in order to show Peñarroya-Pueblonuevo in all its former glory. Now that the first two phases have been completed, you can visit the site through a tour created to be enjoyed from the viewpoint of the old Santa Rosa mine using a VR headset. The place has immense potential, and this project aims to promote it as a new tourist attraction.
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