• investur investur +34 679218154
  • María del Carmen Navarrete Torres Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco


He rebozo is a handmade textile product that incorporates identity, attributes, belonging, life and tradition in Mexico. It is a woven garment, which currently uses it very variable, it is used by indigenous women and made by almost all ethnic groups in the country. Production is carried out in family industries that are located in small towns or rural communities and traditional techniques and customs are used, in such a way that these activities preserve, in some places, the same state of the colonial era and those who are dedicated to it. .

For the women of the indigenous communities, the rebozo is a basic piece of their clothing. It is used as a modesty garment, to cover the head in religious ceremonies and traditional festivals; to load children and packages. There are craft organizations that have an internal distribution where the work is focused on a single activity per person. Doing something wrong during brewing would make it difficult for the next person to continue the process. The objective was to analyze the rebozo as a cultural expression, its types and uses, as well as the situation of the artisan organizations that make it in Mexico. Conclusions. It is a craft, which is produced throughout the year, but the imitation of the garment, manufactured abroad with low costs, has been one of the causes of its low demand. Little by little its production has been declining, salaries and profits are unattractive and labor is scarce. According to the National Fund for the Promotion of Crafts of Mexico (FONART), despite the cultural and economic contribution, it is a sector that lives up to date on the direct sale of its products, the support, the craft houses of the states and the flow of the tourism sector.


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How to Cite
investur, investur, & Navarrete Torres, M. del C. (2023, May 17). ARTISAN ORGANIZATIONS AND THE REBOZO AS A CULTURAL EXPRESSION. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 6(2), 249-261. Retrieved from