Marketing, internationalization and heritage tourism: systematic literature review

  • Sandra Rojas-Berrio Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
  • Sergio Iván Rojas-Berrio Universidad La Gran Colombia
  • Oscar Robayo-Pinzón Institución Universitaria Politécnico Grancolombiano
Keywords: Cultura tourism, Cultural heritage, Marketing, Internacioalization, Systematic Literature Review


The purpose of this research is to describe the marketing variables used in the literature to assess the internationalization of touristic destinations with a value proposition involving Cultural Heritage. ASystematic Literature Review was methodologicalstrategy, with an observation window encompassing 2005-2017, and using Scopus and Web of Science. The most relevant variables are Marketing Management, Consumer Behavior, Integrated Marketing Communications, Demand Forecasts and Destination’s Marketing and Branding. Findings account for the main aspects to be managed by operators, government andstakeholders for the internationalization of heritage tourism.

Author Biographies

Sandra Rojas-Berrio, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Sergio Iván Rojas-Berrio, Universidad La Gran Colombia

Universidad La Gran Colombia

Oscar Robayo-Pinzón, Institución Universitaria Politécnico Grancolombiano

Institución Universitaria Politécnico Grancolombiano


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How to Cite
Rojas-Berrio, S., Rojas-Berrio, S. I., & Robayo-Pinzón, O. (2019, May 3). Marketing, internationalization and heritage tourism: systematic literature review. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 2(2), 189-206. Retrieved from