• Leticia Scarlett Ramos Jiménez Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes
  • Carlos Alberto Hiriart Pardo Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
  • Mónica Susana De La Barrera Medina Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes


In recent years within cultural tourism economics academic studies and heritage touristic cities management, there is an interest in the research in Short Term Rental (STR), an emergent phenomenon characterized as a new way of hosting in which a house is rented for short stays through service-based digital platforms. This global market that belongs to sharing economies increases every day and produces economic benefits in lands but is also causing several transformations that impact urban planning and historical cities management. The research purpose is to evaluate STR sociospatial and built heritage effects in the historic quarters of Morelia and Zacatecas. Through qualitative-quantitative, exploratory, and comparative analysis between two cities that are part of the cultural sites on the World Heritage List of Mexico, using explanatory and ethnographic techniques, data is collected by spatial analysis, interviews, observational methods, and document review. The research territorializes the phenomenon and shows that there is STR concentration in the nuclei of the patrimonial zones of both cities with respect to other zones, a trend growth of this business model and many other ways of urban and touristic management are doing, with similar and ambivalent affectations in each city.


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How to Cite
Ramos Jiménez, L. S., Hiriart Pardo, C. A., & De La Barrera Medina, M. S. (2023, June 27). SOCIOSPATIAL ANALYSIS OF TOURIST HOUSING IN THE HISTORIC CENTERS OF MORELIA AND ZACATECAS: TERRITORIALIZATION, IMPACTS AND DEVELOPMENT. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 6(3), 28-43. Retrieved from