Industrial tourism and enhancement of historical and cultural heritage: the national electricity museum in Seia

  • Elsa Ramos UDI/IPG
  • Manuel Salgado GOVCOPP, ESTH, Instituto Politécnico da Guarda (UDI/IPG)
  • Rafaela Silva UDI/IPG


Industrial Tourism has been developing in Portugal, as it was also a tourism product framed in the National Tourism Strategy 2027. The potential and importance of this product underlies the preservation and enhancement of historical and cultural heritage, as well as the activation of the identity activities of the territories, which reflect their dynamics and capacity for innovation and evolution at regional and national level. The central objective of sustainable development is the structuring of a differentiating tourist offer, through the appreciation and sharing of identity aspects that confer authenticity to the tourist experience. In the Alva valley there are important heritage resources associated with the use of the waters of the river Alva, as is the case of the first national hydroelectric power station, installed in the region in 1909. It is assumed, therefore, that to nature tourism should be added other products, which correspond to important segments of the tourism market, as is the case of Industrial Tourism, which can be complementary in the process of development at sub-regional level. After revisiting the concepts associated with the object of study, a methodology focusing on the case study of the Natural Museum of Electricity of Seia was considered opportune, given its potential as an attraction and strategic asset of this territory, which includes semi-structured interviews with personalities with responsibilities in its management.


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How to Cite
Ramos, E., Salgado, M., & Silva, R. (2023, September 27). Industrial tourism and enhancement of historical and cultural heritage: the national electricity museum in Seia. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 6(4), 15-32. Retrieved from