Tourism as a factor in the geographic location trend of intentional communities

  • Johann Llamas-Vázquez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Quintana Roo
  • Lucinda Arroyo Arcos Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Quintana Roo


Today, science supports that living in an intentional community is an alternative congruent with sustainability. An example of this is the ecovillage. This text presents the basic concepts of this type of habitat derived from a systematic review of the literature. It highlights the importance of geographic location to promote ecological balance, social well-being, and resilience within their local context. Alluding to the needs for this model of communities to thrive, a search is carried out where the location of these communities is identified through the repositioning of existing projects in Mexico. Part of the results detect a location trend that shows a preference for building ecovillages near tourist areas. Based on the results, it is discussed how social interaction and cultural relationships external to these intentional communities facilitate their creation and development. Future work is proposed to analyze the socio-economic dependence of ecovillages on communities where particular tourism activities such as those demanded by ecovillage tourism are carried out (GEN, 2019).


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How to Cite
Llamas-Vázquez, J., & Arroyo Arcos, L. (2024, March 22). Tourism as a factor in the geographic location trend of intentional communities. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 7(2), 115-129. Retrieved from