Towards sustainable cultural tourism: analysis of cultural policy in the municipality of Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico

  • Pavel López Cadena Universidad de Guadalajara
  • César Luis Gilabert Juárez Universidad de Guadalajara


Based on the debate on the enhancement of material and intangible cultural heritage in tourist activity through the management of cultural tourism, a cultural diagnosis is necessary that identifies the particularities of the place, updated to the social dynamics of a city like Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, which according to the SECTURJAL (Tourism Secretary of Jalisco) receives around 6 million tourists a year, which positions it as one of the main tourist destinations in México (SECTURJAL, 2023). An analysis of the cultural policy of the municipality is proposed, an assessment that allows the development of projects within its own social, political, economic, and historical context, and following its cultural values, this towards the construction of a sustainable cultural tourism offer that generates benefits that are distributed homogeneously throughout the population. To facilitate the analysis of such a complex concept, we synthesize its areas of action in three variables of what Teixeira Coelho (2009) defines as the Cultural Production System: 1.-Cultural Production, 2.-Distribution, and 3.-Cultural Consumption. The research design is transversal since it is developed within a time frame of 5 years, non-experimental and descriptive, with a mixed approach.


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How to Cite
López Cadena, P., & Gilabert Juárez, C. L. (2024, April 8). Towards sustainable cultural tourism: analysis of cultural policy in the municipality of Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 7(2), 204-221. Retrieved from