Ciudad Real: Underground secrets

  • Cristina Grande Rivero Universidad de Sevilla


Ciudad Real, Underground Secrets aims to highlight the value of the existing underground heritage, not only in the city itself, but throughout the province; starting from its historical analysis through morphogenetic and urban changes, the aim is to decipher the keys to the knowledge of the heritage that remains hidden from view. The underground elements that are being investigated are snow wells, cellars, galleries, Fresqueras, domestic constructions and other underground spaces that are known to have existed or exist in the province but whose use or origin is still unknown. The reality is that, since the middle of the 20th century, the underground elements of Ciudad Real have been constantly appearing as a result of works and interventions in the basements of buildings or urban interventions, and most of this information ends up disappearing in the absence of archaeological precautions.

On the other hand, it is proposed to survey and catalogue these remains in order to question their historical value and recognise typologies. In this way, significant examples of each could be generated in order to estimate their value or protection.


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How to Cite
Grande Rivero, C. (2024, May 13). Ciudad Real: Underground secrets. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 7(2), 222-246. Retrieved from