The presence of intangible heritage in the tourism offer: the case of the legend of the Monstre de Banyoles

  • Marta Salvador-Almela CETT Barcelona School of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy
  • Jordi Arcos-Pumarola CETT Barcelona School of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy
Keywords: cultural tourism, intangible cultural heritage, legends, literary tourism


Oral literature, created by all those stories, songs or poems that have their origin in oral transmission, is part of the heritage and has a close link with the territory. In this way, oral literature can be conceived as a tourist resource with the capacity to single out and differentiate a destination. This article focuses on the case study of the legend of the Monstre de Banyoles in Catalonia, with the objective of analyzing the interaction of regional legends with the tourist context. On the one hand, a content analysis of the Turisme de Banyoles website, the main channel of the DMO, is carried out to contribute to the projected image. On the other hand, a textual content analysis of Instagram posts located in Banyoles is conducted to explore the legend's presence in the destination's tourist image by analyzing visitors' perceived image. The results show the little current presence of the legend of the Monstre de Banyoles, both in the image projected by the DMO in the tourist discourse of the destination and in the image perceived by tourists and transmitted through social networks. Based on these results and considering the particularities of the legend, recommendations and improvement strategies are established for developing a tourist offer based on the intangible heritage of Banyoles, which is also applicable to other destinations with similar characteristics.


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How to Cite
Salvador-Almela, M., & Arcos-Pumarola, J. (2024, June 7). The presence of intangible heritage in the tourism offer: the case of the legend of the Monstre de Banyoles. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 7(2), 281-294. Retrieved from