The influence of cultural tourism on the Chinese tourist profile in new era of eco-civilization

  • Cristina De Jesus Universidade de Aveiro
  • Zélia Breda Universidade de Aveiro
  • António Queirós Universidade de Lisboa
Keywords: China, Chinese outbound tourism, Chinese tourist profiles, eco-civilization, cultural tourism


The Chinese outbound tourism market has great potential. China has been the world´s largest source of tourists since 2012. In 2019, it reached a record 155 million tourists and spending of around 255 billion dollars. China´s environmental transformation and the creation of eco-civilization concept in 2007 at the 17º National Congress of Chinese Communist Party are an important milestone in China`s economic development. Eco-civilization integrates all aspects of economic, political, cultural, and social development. The changes implemented in the economy and Chinese society with the new eco-civilization model created a new paradigm on Chinese tourism. Cultural tourism and nature tourism are among the main choices of Chinese tourists. The increase in the supply of cultural tourism due to the new eco-civilization model has promoted the recovery of heritage, the preservation of culture of different nationalities and ethnic groups, a huge increase in the number of museums and cultural events. This change has created changes in the demand for cultural tourism in China. Cultural elements, especially authentic ones, are among the major motivations for travel. In this work. The aim of this paper is to analyze the influence of cultural tourism on Chinese outbound tourist profile in this new era of eco-civilization. The characteristics and motivations of Chinese tourists cannot be dissociated from this new civilization, its experiences and learning.


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How to Cite
De Jesus, C., Breda, Z., & Queirós, A. (2024, June 7). The influence of cultural tourism on the Chinese tourist profile in new era of eco-civilization. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 7(2), 265-280. Retrieved from