Social media and fashion-branded hotels: the case of armani hotels

  • Eduardo Villena Alarcón University of Málaga
Keywords: Social media, hotels, fashion, online reputation, public relations


The world’s leading fashion companies saw the opportunity in the hotel industry. These establishments are increasing the hotel offering of many cities in the world. For the promotion of these spaces, social media is a key aspect. The influence of networks defines online reputation, so the analysis of their use allows us to find out how these tools are implemented in the Armani communication strategy. The results reveal an accurate strategic vision in its communication in social networks.

Author Biography

Eduardo Villena Alarcón, University of Málaga

University of Málaga


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How to Cite
Villena Alarcón, E. (2019, August 31). Social media and fashion-branded hotels: the case of armani hotels. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 2(3), 408-420. Retrieved from