The rehabilitation of an historical legacy of industrialization: the black eagle factory of Colloto

Keywords: Águila Negra Factory, Spanish Industrial Heritage, conservation and building renovation


Black Eagle factory arouses great interest due to its representation within the rich historical legacy of industrialization in Asturias. Several options for rehabilitation have been proposed out off a desire for current industrial vision preservation and projection. Today, after the action agreements, the building is immersed in the reconstruction process that opens expectations to a much wider economic and touristic exploitation. This article is intended to precisely demonstrate that due to the fact that the factory is located in the urban fabric of the city of Oviedo, its status is elevated and allows it is able to achieve a double objective; On the one hand, the unification and realization of the tourist, cultural and historical industrial landscape and, on the other hand, the accessibility and openness of the city to this industrial landscape, insignificant aspects that greatly increase the possibilities of exploitation tourism on an economic and social level.

Author Biography

Isabel Corripio Gil-Delgado, Colegio-Fundación Santamarca, Madrid

Doctora en Historia, Historia del Arte y Territorio. Técnico en Empresas y Actividades Turísticas.


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How to Cite
Corripio Gil-Delgado, I. (2020, April 1). The rehabilitation of an historical legacy of industrialization: the black eagle factory of Colloto. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 3(2), 96-112. Retrieved from