The contributions of the university extension project to cultural tourism (period 2002 - 2016)

  • María Liliana N. Herrera Albrieu Docente y evaluadora de extensión universitaria: UNdeC, UNLaM, UNLaR, IUFundacón A.H.Barceló y otras
Keywords: cultural heritage, tourism, teaching, research, extension


This paper describes one of the institutional strategies promoted by the Secretariat of University Policies of the Ministry of Education of the Argentine Nation, through the University Extension Coordination, during the period between 2002 and 2016 under my management. Such strategy has consisted in promoting annual calls to National Universities to present projects with community impact based on specific thematic lines. Among these lines, cultural tourism stood out. This work will highlight the dual purpose of these projects: on the one hand, they are aimed at making a problem visible and contributing to its solution (community impact), which in this case will be referred to the promotion and development of cultural tourism. And on the other, academic aspects will be considered as: the integration of teaching, research and extension functions, transdisciplinary work. It will be treated briefly: The International Circuit of the Guaraní Jesuit Missions, corresponding to Universities of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay; The Franciscan Footprint of the National University of Jujuy, Jujuy Province, Argentina; The Franciscan Way of Salta, Argentina, of the National University of Salta; Tour of the Franciscan Way in the Province of La Rioja, Argentina, of the National University of La Rioja; The Colonial Chapels of Chilecito of the National University of Chilecito, La Rioja, Argentina, among others.


Libros digitales
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Artículos digitales
Moragues Cortada, D. Turismo, Cultura y Desarrollo. Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional – c 1, p 70. AECI/2006.

Referencias digitales de organismos públicos, organismos internacionales
Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos – INDEC. Argentina. Concepto de Turismo tomado de Naciones Unidas.

UNESCO/1982. Conferencia Mundial sobre Políticas Culturales. Concepto de Turismo Cultural

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How to Cite
Herrera Albrieu, M. L. N. (2020, April 1). The contributions of the university extension project to cultural tourism (period 2002 - 2016). Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 3(2), 151-167. Retrieved from