Proposal for a comprehensive management model for an archaeological tourist destination

  • Alberto Moreno Melgarejo Universidad Europea de Madrid
Keywords: Destination management, archaelogical, tourism, management model, archaelogical heritage


Archaeological tourism goes far beyond than just the visit of archaeological attractions, but visitor's experience is framed within a destination related to a wide range of different services and tourism products. Therefore, the articulation of a competitive archaeological tourist offer in a destination is a long process with many aspects going beyond archaeological attractions management. Based in the analysis of three case studies including the most important archaeological destinations worldwide (Pompeii and Herculaneum, Angkor and Machu Picchu), this article offers a proposal for a comprehensive management model for archaeological tourist destinations. The model takes into consideration all the key aspects to guarantee success, economic profitability and the sustainability of the destination itself.


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How to Cite
Moreno Melgarejo, A. (2020, October 1). Proposal for a comprehensive management model for an archaeological tourist destination. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 3(4), 161-182. Retrieved from