Challenges of cruise tourism after the pandemic

  • Mª del Carmen Ancona Alcocer Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
  • Jorge Membreño Juárez Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
  • Ana Bertha Vidal Fócil Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
Keywords: cruises, challenges, tourism


The purpose of this research was to identify the challenges or opportunities that the Cruise tourism industry will have in the immediate future; slowly the hotel and restaurant sector begin to attract their customers with all the security measures, however, the cruises continue to lack acceptance among the population as they are considered floating hotbeds of viruses and bacteria, because at the beginning of the global confinement, the media, as well as social networks, spread news about active cruise ships, in which tourists could not disembark and even were not allowed to dock in any port for safety reasons in terms of health, and this type of propaganda has not been eradicated, so one of the challenges that this sector will have to face for its reactivation will be one of the most difficult and interesting for customers to regain trust. A qualitative descriptive methodology was used through which information was obtained on the web, travel agency and tourists. As a result, new security measures have been established in this type of tourism, due to the strategic analyzes carried out.


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How to Cite
Ancona Alcocer, M. del C., Membreño Juárez, J., & Vidal Fócil, A. B. (2021, April 1). Challenges of cruise tourism after the pandemic. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 4(2), 1-8. Retrieved from