Intelligent tourism. Post covid trend in Mexico

  • María del Carmen Navarrete Torres Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
  • Cecilia García Muñoz Aparicio Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
Keywords: Smart Tourist Destination, Tourism, sustainability


Currently the world tourism industry is facing a health and economic crisis that has forced it to make changes in its strategies. In Mexico, one of the trends lies in the digitization of the sector for the creation of smart tourist destinations. These places are characterized by having a technological structure that facilitates the visitor's experience.

Digital media have modified the tastes and preferences of consumers, as well as the way of planning trips from a reservation for transportation, and hotels, to activities to be carried out in the place of interest, among others. On the other hand, travelers like to share their experiences and make use of social networks.

A Smart Tourist Destination (ITD) has to make a commitment to the environmental, cultural and socioeconomic factors of its habitat, that is, to promote sustainable development. The objective was to analyze the destinations in the country that have these characteristics and that are recognized as such.

A documentary research was carried out with a qualitative approach, analyzing secondary sources: study of information and contents.

Conclusions. It is necessary to promote regional and local development. The country has the potential for this type of tourism. The health crisis changed the way of traveling, there is a new profile, new challenges and opportunities, so it will be necessary to jointly implement actions from both the public and private sectors.


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How to Cite
Navarrete Torres, M. del C., & Muñoz Aparicio, C. G. (2021, July 1). Intelligent tourism. Post covid trend in Mexico. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 4(3), 10-22. Retrieved from