• Francisco Sánchez-Cubo Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
  • José Luis Sánchez-Ollero Universidad de Málaga
  • Elisa Isabel del-Cubo-Arroyo Universidad de Málaga
Keywords: Methodologies, Review, Tools, Tourism, Tourist Destination


Over the decades, the analysis of tourist destinations has been approached from multiple theoretical and empirical perspectives. In this line, studies on hospitality and tourism have undoubtedly benefited from the evolution of methodologies applied to Social Sciences. Thus, this paper aims to analyse this process through a systematic review of the core methodologies used to study tourist destinations. For that, an exhaustive review of the literature is carried out, which is intended to offer a global vision of the evolution that the methodologies applied to the study of hospitality and tourism have experienced, as well as a brief description of them. Likewise, the most currently used methods and those with better prospects are reflected, which is the main contribution of this work.

Author Biography

Francisco Sánchez-Cubo, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha


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How to Cite
Sánchez-Cubo, F., Sánchez-Ollero, J. L., & del-Cubo-Arroyo, E. I. (2022, January 1). SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF THE ANALYSIS TOOLS FOR TOURIST DESTINATIONS. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 5(1), 245-254. Retrieved from