• investur investur
  • Adriano Costa Instituto Politécnico da Guarda (IPG), Centro de Investigação, Desenvolvimento e Inovação em Turismo (CITUR), Unidade de Investigação para o Desenvolvimento do Interior (UDI)
  • Elsa Ramos Instituto Politécnico da Guarda (IPG), Centro de Investigação, Desenvolvimento e Inovação em Turismo (CITUR), Unidade de Investigação para o Desenvolvimento do Interior (UDI)
  • Rogério Abrantes Instituto Politécnico da Guarda (IPG), Centro de Investigação, Desenvolvimento e Inovação em Turismo (CITUR), Unidade de Investigação para o Desenvolvimento do Interior (UDI)
  • Rita Saraiva Centro Interpretativo de Seia e seu Centro Histórico – Misericórdia de Seia


In recent years, tourism has been assuming a central role in the development of several territories, despite the negative impact that the pandemic caused by COVID-19 had in the last two years. However, now that this nightmare has passed, we believe that the tourism sector will experience exponential growth in the coming years.

It is therefore fundamental for the different territories, with special emphasis on those with low population density, to begin to structure tourism products in order to publicise and affirm them in the market of tourist destinations that is increasingly competitive and dynamic. Therefore, it is fundamental to present genuine products that can be experienced and that are at the same time differentiating.

One of these tourism products is the Seia's Solares Route that, using the endogenous resources of the region, aims to attract visitors and/or tourists. In this sense, this article aims to present the route in question, valuing the extensive built heritage in the Municipality of Seia with the characteristics of Solar.

Betting on a strong promotion and dissemination, using the right means of communication, with recourse to new technologies, we believe that the Solares Route will be an asset to the Municipality of Seia, contributing to the economic development of the region and thus to the settlement of people.



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How to Cite
investur, investur, Costa, A., Ramos, E., Abrantes, R., & Saraiva, R. (2022, October 6). ROUTE OF THE MANOR HOUSES OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF SEIA. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 5(4), 94-101. Retrieved from