Evaluation of the socio-environmental and tourist factors of the Cajas Ecuador national

  • Angel Guillermo Félix Mendoza ESPAM MFL
  • Neme Yamil Doumet Chilán Universidade Federale do Matto Grosso
  • Manuel Rivera Mateos Universidad de Córdoba
Keywords: Wetlands, tourism management, conservation areas, territorial analysis


This work aims to carry out a territorial, socio-environmental and tourist analysis of the Cajas National Park, Cuenca Ecuador. The research is exploratory-descriptive, with a mixed approach. First, the study area was characterized by means of a bibliographic review, then technical visits were made applying observation and management effectiveness evaluation, for this the interview technique applied to managers and local actors was used; Through field trips, the territory was georeferenced, using GPS equipment with the support of ENVI 5.3 and ArcGIS 10.5 software. The tool "multitemporal satellite land use study" was applied using two landsat 5 and 8 images with 30m resolution taken in August 1998 and September 2018. It was observed that the Management Plan is implemented by 80%, 100% of what is established in the Annual Operating Plan is also executed. 60% of the visitors are foreigners and 40% nationals. It is the only park administered by a Municipal Decentralized Autonomous Government. It can be noted that as bodies of water there are 75,880 hectares corresponding to 49.67% of the area protected.


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How to Cite
Félix Mendoza, A., Doumet Chilán, N., & Mateos, M. (2023, September 27). Evaluation of the socio-environmental and tourist factors of the Cajas Ecuador national. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 6(4), 33-51. Retrieved from https://www.jthr.es/index.php/journal/article/view/502