Roman in Question: Navigating between the two Shores of a Mediterranean Heritage

  • Habib Saidi Laval University
Keywords: Tunisia, Tourism, Heritage, Roman, Mediterranean, promotional narrative.


This article delves into Tunisia's complex interplay between its Roman heritage and Mediterranean identity, examining how these elements influence contemporary cultural and geopolitical narratives. The study aims to uncover the nuances of 'heritage intimacy,' exploring how Tunisia navigates its historical ties with the Roman Empire while engaging with its broader Mediterranean connections. Employing a qualitative analysis of tourist maps, promotional materials, and historical texts, the research traces the evolution of Tunisia's heritage portrayal from the post-independence era through the post-revolutionary period. Key findings reveal a strategic emphasis on Roman elements during the Bourguiba and Ben Ali regimes to foster tourism and Western relations, juxtaposed with a recent shift towards highlighting Punic and African identities in response to changing socio-political dynamics. The article concludes that Tunisia's heritage narrative is marked by a persistent ambivalence, reflecting ongoing tensions between embracing a Roman past and asserting a distinct Mediterranean identity amidst evolving internal and external pressures.


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How to Cite
Saidi, H. (2024, March 29). Roman in Question: Navigating between the two Shores of a Mediterranean Heritage. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 7(2), 160-176. Retrieved from