Manifestation of Immaterial Culture in the Quinta Normal Heritage Circuit, Santiago de Chile

  • Daniel Paul Universitat de Lleida
  • Carolina Valenzuela Universidad Autónoma de Chile


The Quinta Normal Heritage Circuit (Santiago de Chile), located around the park of the same name, is simultaneously a space highly institutionalized and a popular place of encounter. In this space, coexist several museums and cultural centers with an intense program, with events, encounters and cultural manifestation of immaterial kind: spontaneous and festive. In a social segmented city like Santiago this mix of activity is less frequent, that is the reason this analysis contributes with important information on the population perception of the diverse heritage elements. This proposal is focused on inquire the value of the different elements of the immaterial heritage of the area comparing the vision of the institutional agents (through documental analysis and interviews) and the residents (obtained from participant observation and surveys). The results show a clear dichotomy: the institutions tend to concentrate all the attention meanwhile the immaterial heritage tend to go unnoticed, losing a relevant part of the potential that the combination of heritage institutions, the park and the spontaneous popular manifestations can have.

Author Biography

Daniel Paul, Universitat de Lleida

Geographer and PhD in Geography. Academic and researcher. Member of the Department of Geography, History and History of Arts. University of Lleida. Doctor en Geografía. Académico. Departamento de Geografía, Historia e Historia del Arte.


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How to Cite
Paul, D., & Valenzuela, C. (2024, March 20). Manifestation of Immaterial Culture in the Quinta Normal Heritage Circuit, Santiago de Chile. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 7(1), 242-256. Retrieved from