Amiable cities. A neccessity? in the XXI century

  • Inmaculada Mengual Bernal Universidad de Murcia


The starting premise isthe importance of urban destinations and, for the management of these trips, the overabundance of technology as a parameter of life in the city. The following question is formulated: Are tourist cities really habitable? The pillar is to understand that, in this urban context, another need arises and is already anticipated - along with the technological solution - that of promoting the condition of "friendly" cities where higher quality tourism is possible. And it is from this need where this research arises. There are numerous and countless forums and conferences in which the emphasis is placed on another quality: the so-called “Smart-Cities”. This is in the belief of how efficient the technology will be for the most optimal functioning of a tourist destination: its transportation network, lighting, traffic control, automatic system for watering gardens, etc. And as a result of all this digital intelligence we have a city full of sensors and cameras. But, along with this technical evolution, it is also necessary to rethink the city/destination under the need to make it as livable as possible. The post-Covid era places these new demands on us. All this from the reflection of whether technology may be dehumanizing urban tourism. The demands and needs that friendly cities demand will be explained. This innovative vision is very useful since it will be possible to see how this “friendly city” classification provides added value to both local economies and urban tourism.


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How to Cite
Mengual Bernal, I. (2024, March 28). Amiable cities. A neccessity? in the XXI century. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 7(2), 149-159. Retrieved from